Portfolio & Resume

I Have Worked For...

Data Scientist/ Insight Expert

Capita PLC

Currently working as a Data Scientist and Insight Expert for Utility clients. My role specialises in generating insight from varied sources of data using Machine Learning Algorithms. 


I also work on managing data pipelines, process automation, bots, web scraping, forecasting, and AI.



Data Strategist/

WorQR ltd.

Developed and Launched AI and Machine Learning based Multi-Sided Platform for National Health Services (NHS), UK. The Platform reduced demand/ supply gap of resources in the Primary HealthCare Space.


The company was sold in 2019 and the products are operating under varied brand names for PCNs. 


Head of Research &Insight

M&C Saatchi 

Created data based insight work stream to develop communications for social and behaviour change. 


I managed the research department and generated revenue streams along with providing research and insight support to communications using behavioural models. Also, created data pipelines for the company. 

Senior Manager/ Project Director


Worked as category specialist for categories like Telecom, Tourism, FMCG, and Tobacco. Managed brand health trackers, off the shelf researches, ad-hoc research solutions, and innovation work streams and received numerous rewards for consistent state of the art delivery and business development.


Comms Specialist


Developed SaaS products. Played key role in documentation, launch, and media management for Customer Management Systems, Health Care Systems, Event Management Systems, and Performance Management Systems. 

Key Areas I have Worked In...


I specialise in creating data led story-telling to create pen-portraits of customers. I have helped companies with creating customer segments to increase footfall, demand prediction and forecast, seasonality impact, and product development. 


Worked in Telecom sector to mange Brand Health Trackers, and create data led insight work streams. Telecom sector offers immense opportunities to create and manage dynamic usage and value based customer segments. 


I am passionate about using AI, Robotics, and Machine Learning in HealthCare. Researcg abd my previous endeavours have further enforced my belief that we can impace workforce mangement and primary diagnosis by using AI. 


This sector offers huge opportunity for automation and cost reduction. We have to decrease carbon footprint and move towards sustainability, and this sectors offers huge opportunity to do this with the use of AI and robotics.   


FMCG is highly dependent on Logistics and Customer Experience. I have over decade long experience in both and I have realised that Machine Learning (ML) can cut costs in logistics and bring huge value in customer experience

I can code in these languages….

Based on my experience and new research, I discuss these topics in my blog posts. 




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